For Patients
If you're wondering what kind of issues speech-language pathologists address, you're not alone. Please read below to learn more about what speech-language pathologists actually do.

What Issues Do Speech-Language Pathologists Address?
Voice Disorders
Difficulties with voice include chronic hoarseness, reduced loudness, chronic vocal fatigue, and impaired vocal fold function. Voice therapy can address these problems and help an individual to improve voice and vocal health.

Swallowing Disorders
Dysphagia or issues with swallowing include coughing or throat clearing when swallowing, food or drink getting stuck in your throat, unexpected loss of weight, and regurgitation of food. Swallowing therapy helps to train strategies and exercises to improve swallow function and swallowing safety.
Cognitive Disorders
These disorders can involve impaired attention, memory, speed of processing, problem-solving, learning, and orientation. Cognitive therapy provides targeted strategies and exercises to address cognitive difficulties in natural environments.

Speech Disorders
Difficulty with making speech sounds and/or difficulty with the planning necessary to make speech sounds can occur in both children and adults. Speech therapy targets functional communication and specific speech sounds to improve a person's speech and to help them better communicate with family, friends, and peers.
Social-Communication Disorders
Social-communication deficits are one of the identifying aspects of autism spectrum disorder. Therapy can address difficulties with socialization and help to train appropriate behaviors for better communication. Additionally, therapy frequently takes a total communication approach and may incorporate the use of alternative communication methods including speech-generating devices.

Fluency Disorders
Issues with speech fluency or stuttering can begin during childhood or after the onset of some neurological conditions. Fluency can be addressed using strategies to modify instances of stuttering along with using techniques to facilitate more fluent speech.
Language Disorders
These disorders can occur across the life span but often are associated with language development in children. Targeted therapy can train the use of grammatical language and help parents or caregivers facilitate optimal language growth at home and in other natural environments.

If any of the above issues apply to you, please check out the free and paid resources by clicking the link below. Know these resources are not meant to replace actual therapy with a speech-language pathologist. However when applied effectively, these resources can help you to improve various aspects of function.